Showcase of my previous work on multiple devices.

[About me]


Frontend web developer

May 2021 - Current | Leverage BPO

My primary responsibility as a frontend web developer is building and maintaining high profile home contracting business' websites. I take the excellent work from the designers and build it from the ground up.

Going from high fidelity wireframes to fully realized websites, I've introduced new concepts, philosophies and workflows to streamline the creation processes. With a change in perspective, we're able to push for more customized and personal client websites; Keeping its footprint to a minimum, reducing user experience quarrels and improving developer experiences.

Freelance developer

October 2018 - March 2021 | Freelancing

While attending University, I started playing around with the idea of building a simple app from scratch to production to understand what the process would be like. Little did I know that this would be a turning point for me.

Leaving the prospects of becoming a lawyer to becoming a developer, I started a new journey. Going to development agencies in Stellenbosch, asking them about their day to day operations, spending hours —day and night— learning, testing and implementing programming concepts.

Finally, I found the opportunity I was looking for right in my hometown, going from simple static websites to creating applications that impacted how a business handles its operations.

Sales & workshop assistant

August 2018 - January 2019 | Cycleworx Langebaan

Seemingly unrelated to development, I was a workshop and sales assistant at a local bicycle workshop. During this time, I dealt with customers directly, worked independently, and occasionally managed the shop on my own.

In turn, I learnt the intricacies of dealing with customers, solving novel problems in real-time and methodically working on a tight schedule. Building on what I believe has pushed me to be a better developer.

Stack expertise

Strong opinions loosely held

You are a developer and have been tasked with creating the next big unicorn product. You have a list of features, clear user stories, and a timeline all set. How do you do it? Assuming you've got architectural best practices nailed down, what would the best tools for the job be?

The simple answer? The ones you're most comfortable in. That being said, it might not always be the correct answer. You can use react for websites, mobile apps and desktop apps, but it's not always the right choice. Be open to change but stick to your guns when it makes sense.

Choose your battles wisely.

Weapons of choice?

I'm at my most efficient state when I have full access to the tools I use and love today.

Tailwind CSS
React Native

This, however, doesn't blindside me to the fact that there are so many other excellent libraries and frameworks around. I like to get my hands dirty and experiment with them. Once I have enough experience in some of them, I'll add them to the list.

Think we're a good fit? Let's get talking.

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