Sure Dry basements showcase on multiple devices

[Sure Dry Basements]

Project Overview

Sure Dry Basements, an American based business, had their website redesigned in Adobe XD by my talented colleagues. With the wireframes completed, it was my turn to materialize their work into a live version for all to see —taking the opportunity to try something new.


Frontend Developer


  • Typescript
  • Tailwind CSS
  • SCSS
  • PHP
  • HTML 5

Problem Statement

The Problem

Wireframes aside, the biggest challenge I faced was working on a novel system I'd never used before. With no clear cut way to approach this task, I decided to take my own approach.

The Solution

Before work started, I first familiarized myself with their system. Next, I looked for an overlap of my skills and previous websites they've built and tried to find a match.

The Results

In the end, I managed to build the website using little to no third-party libraries, decreasing the overall footprint and introducing new template concepts.

Project showcase

(Tap to zoom, drag to scroll)

Home page showcase
Home page mobile showcase
Content page showcase
Content page mobile showcase
Testimonials page showcase
Testimonials page mobile showcase
Awards page showcase
Awards page mobile showcase

Concluding notes

Learning a novel CMS and PHP

When I first joined Leverage BPO, I already had experience working in headless CMS's written in Javascript. I did not, however, have experience working in a PHP-based CMS, much less one that was proprietary. Determined to make this work, I learned PHP within two months and used my previous knowledge of architecting systems to build a base on which future templates and projects could rely.

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